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Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Friday: Back Squats + Bench Full body Strength

Back Squat + DB Bench Press

Pair up or teams of 3

1 partner starts on back squats other starts on bench press.

Goal with the Back squat is to build to a heavy set of 10.

Every 3min x 5rounds

10 Back squats

10 Bench presses

Strength Circuit

For set up grab your DB’s a bench and Barbell

  • Coach note: if needed start half the class on BB’s and half on DB’s

  • Pair up with benches and switch off.

Emom x 6 DB#50/35

Odd: 15reps DB Incline Chest Press

Even: 10reps DB reverse Lunges (each leg)

Rest 1 min to switch

Emom x 6 DB#30/20

Odd: 15reps DB Chest Fly

Even: 10reps Hanging Knee Raises

Rest 1 min to switch

Emom x 6 BB#95/65

Odd: 15reps Barbell upright row

Even: 10reps Barbell single leg DL (each leg)

Rest 1 min to switch

Emom x 6 BB#95/65 DB#20/15

Odd: 15reps BB Push press

Even: 40reps DB Russian twist

Bonus Core Day

Plank Circuit

2 Rounds (try to stay up the whole time, never drop your knee if possible) if you do drop your knee, try to get right back up)

30 second normal plank hold

30 second push up hold

30 second left side plank hold

30 second right side plank hold

30 second normal plank hold

30 second push up hold

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